Winter Tyres
Keeping you safe when the weather is at its worst.
Keeping you safe when the weather is at its worst.
Winter weather has a big impact on driving, regardless of the level of snowfall. Accident rates are significantly higher during the winter and the use of summer tyres means that braking distances are longer. Which is why so many motorists across Europe swap their summer tyres for winter tyres during the winter months. These winter tyres are designed to run at very low road temperatures and provide much greater levels of grip in cold conditions.
A tyre is only a designated winter tyre if it has the 3 peaks mountain snowflake symbol (above) stamped on the sidewall. This symbol guarantees that the tyre will give the right level of performance under winter conditions.
In continental Europe, drivers recognise the “7C rule” which recommends that they change to cold weather tyres when the outside temperature drops to 7C or below. Weather forecasts normally measure the temperature at a ground level of two metres. In winter, the road surface temperature - especially in the mornings or late evenings - can be far below this air temperature. Since cold weather tyres perform significantly better than summer tyres at low temperatures, cold weather ones may offer distinct advantages even when the air temperatures are above freezing.
At Kenway Tyres our Aberdeen and Dundee branches stock a wide range of winter tyres from all the leading tyre manufacturers. Our experts can advise you on the best winter tyres for your vehicle so contact us today.
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