Book your car in for its MOT and pass the test with flying colours.
Book your car in for its MOT and pass the test with flying colours.
Available at our Aberdeen and Dundee depots, our mechanics will carry out the MOT on your vehicle, ensuring another year’s legal motoring.
Don’t know when your MOT is due? We can send you a reminder!
Don’t get caught out, we will send you a reminder via TEXT and Email 1 Month and 2 weeks before its due!
Servicing your car with Kenway will keep your manufacturer’s warranty intact AND all our services are carried out to manufacturer specifications but...
It’s a road safety measure designed to ensure that all cars, motorcycles and light goods vehicles more than 3 years old are properly maintained. The test is carried out annually by authorized test stations to ensure a vehicle complies with legal requirements.
You can take your vehicle in for an MOT up to 28 days before the current MOT expires. The test takes about one hour.
whatever your budget
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